Did You Really Just Use a Grease Lyric?
(a little more about me)

I find that as I start to navigate through this wild industry, my favorite part is always the people.
The humanity of it all.
The giggles we share in the holding room.
The moment when the pianist actually likes the song I'm gonna sing.
The learning about ourselves and each other at Steps on a late Wednesday night.
Scrolling through everyone's "first day of school" pictures or seeing friends make their dreams come true on Broadway and beyond.
Running into like 12 people on 8th avenue for no reason.
Seeing a new show and having no idea what to expect.
The entire audience sniffling at the same time.
The mess-ups, the recoveries, the sweat, the dinner runs, the fifteen minutes in the hair and make up room, the revolving door of sublets, the bits, the best friends, the people...
Here is a lil more about the people part of me.
Three words I would use to describe myself:

Resilient (adj) re·â€‹sil·â€‹ient: capable of withstanding shock without permanent deformation or rupture; tending to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change
Authentic (adj) au·â€‹then·â€‹tic: not false or imitation; real, actual; true to one's own personality, spirit, or character
Funny (adj) fun·â€‹ny: affording light mirth and laughter; seeking or intended to amuse
some faves
My favorite non-dram class at Syracuse was Sociology
Some of my favorite movies include Forrest Gump, Birdman, and The Devil Wears Prada
Some of my favorite musicals include The Last Five Years, Fun Home, A Chorus Line, My Fair Lady, and West Side Story
Some of my favorite TV shows include Dave, Fleabag, Parenthood, and BoJack Horseman
I am a proud bisexual genderqueer person
I don't want to like TikTok, but I sort of do